Boost and CMake

CMake is wonderful on Linux, the problem on Windows is it can’t always find the library since the user could have installed them anywhere. To get it to find the boost library with the CMake-GUI add a new variable BOOST_ROOT of type Path and set the parameter to the boost home directory.

CMake uses a set of modules to locate common library and you can specify the root of these directly. See the documentation at

OpenCV and QT Creator

Adding openCV to an QtCreator .pro file is easy in Linux simply add

CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += opencv

to the .pro file.

In windows you need to hard code in the directories. To make it cross platform add

INCLUDEPATH += C:\opencv\opencv\build\include
LIBS += -LC:\\opencv\\build\\bin \
libopencv_core2411 \
libopencv_highgui2411 \
libopencv_imgproc2411 \
libopencv_features2d2411 \
libopencv_calib3d2411 \
libopencv_contrib2411 \
libopencv_video2411 \
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += opencv


but change the windows library names and locations to suit yourself.

Adaptive-particle-filter – Particle filter – Google Project Hosting

The code used for our adaptive particle filter.

adaptive-particle-filter – Particle filter – Google Project Hosting.


For this paper: Hassan, WaqasBangalore Manjunathamurthy, NagachetanBirch, PhilipYoung, Rupert and Chatwin, Chris (2012)Adaptive Sample Count Particle Filter. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116 (12). pp. 1208-1222. ISSN 1077-3142

Getting Matlab 2012b to work with XCode 5 (OS X 10.9 Maverick)

Mathworks haven’t issued a patch for 2012b and OS X 10.9 so I ran the 10.9 patch (from and ran

mex -setup

I then modified the file (mex -setup tells you where this is, on my system its

edit ~/.matlab/R2012b/

In the section called

#PATCH: MacOSX10.8

remove the version numbers from CC and CXX and correct the SDKROOT. I also changed the deployment target to 10.9

#PATCH: MacOSX10.8


After a restart, mex worked fine.