C. Liu, Z. Wang, P. Birch and X. Wang, “Efficient Retinex-Based Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement without Additional Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2024.3520802.
New Paper on augmentation in human activity recognition
Oishi, Nobuyuki, Phil Birch, Daniel Roggen, and Paula Lago. 2025. “WIMUSim: Simulating Realistic Variabilities in Wearable IMUs for Human Activity Recognition.” Frontiers of Computer Science 7 (January): 1514933.
EPSRC studentships at Sussex
Sussex has a number of PhD studentships up for grabs. The application deadline is 14th Feb 2025. See here: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/fees-funding/phd-funding/view/1818-EPSRC-Science-and-Engineering-studentships
I’ve got one advertised under: “Applications of Human Activity Recognition (HAR) (EP25/15)” Please get in contact if you’re interested.
#phdfunding #phd
Rayethon anti drone laser weapon demonstration
New Sussex AI PhD scholarships
Contact me if you’d like to discuss.
ETTrack: enhanced temporal motion predictor for multi-object tracking
Han, X., Oishi, N., Tian, Y. et al. ETTrack: enhanced temporal motion predictor for multi-object tracking. Appl Intell 55, 33 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05866-4
Our new paper on tracking multiple people using a transformer to learn complex motion patterns.
Funded PhD
Displaying Opencv images in PyQT
This Person Does Not Exist
The power of deep learning GAN networks is phenomenal. This website generates a new image of a person on every page refresh. These faces are completely artificial and look almost flawless.
Source: This Person Does Not Exist
Literature clock
My literature clock project running on the Raspberry Pi and modelled by Leo.
See here for its Github page.